Thursday, November 8, 2007

Just a Thought

"Do you often find youself let down by others? Do you have a hard time trusting people? If so, it may be because your interactions based on expectations, as opposed to preferences. Expectation lead to negative emotions of disappointment and frustration, while preferences help us to more easily manage our emotions and channel them positively. An expectation is based on a feeling of entitlement, whether that is conscious or not. It's a direct manifestation of the consumer condition. It shows that our trust is not placed in principles, which sureties that we can depend on in every context. Preferences are based on a trust despite what others around us may do. The next time you are disappointed by someone or some event, check yourself for expectations, and scrub your emotions and thoughts of them."

"Happiness does not depend on what happens outside of you but on what happens inside of you. It is measured by the spirit with which you meet the problems of life.”- Harold B. Lee


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing that.. Sometimes we loss our way and just need a little or big nudge back onto the track. I love You....

Becca said...

Thanks for the pick-me-up today... I needed it! Great thoughts!