Sunday, May 13, 2007

Bad Bad Girls

To preface this blog, Kati and I never claimed to be nice girls.

Recipe of a good never ending prank:
- a large container of laundry detergent
- 2 sets of rubber gloves
- 1 large walk way with hand rails

1. pour a generous amount of laundry detergent all over walk way
2. Proceed to rub detergent on hand rails, door and door handle

The effects will last until the lazy boys living in apartment positioned by walk way wash it off completely. Until washed water guns from neighbor girls will make it extremely slippery and remains will track into the apartment making any floor, carpet or title extremely sticky.


Shauna said...

You two are a little naughty aren't you. . .kind of take me back to college days. Glad you are having fun! :)

Becca said...

Funny!! You remind me of Justin...he did everything from poo rails to vaseline rails! :) Nasty! I love that you're gutsy enough to do that!:)

Barrett Bunch said...