Okay this blog is to vent a little bit! So if you have sensitive eyes or don't want to hear my rants and ravs, turn your little eyes away. :) I HATE being single. Not because the benefits of doing whatever you want and not worrying about another person suck, those are nice. But because people are constantly trying to set up with anything with a penis (see I told you, sensitive eyes, look away). It doesn't matter if they are completely unattractive, or boring or really old or really young or a sweet spirit, people don't care. You are their new project. (like in the church, I am the freakin project) Don't get me wrong I have no problem being set up with guys my friends truly think I would like. But I am finding that they are setting me up for the benefit of the guy, and they are wanting me to do a service project! I am not a spring chicken anymore, therefore I have done my pentance with pity dates and courtsey dates...I have put in my service and time already.....I would rather be an old spinster then do those again! And I very well might be! I figure why waste my time, his time, his money (and no I won't go for the free meal) and then have to let the poor guy down if does ask for a second date. And usually the networking factor (maybe he has a hot roommate) is very rare. As you can probably tell I am little bent about the situation. And no I haven't been on a date since Jon and I broke up, and it probably would be good to get out, but I am not going to go on a date, be uncomfortable and be even more discouraged than before. Yes it is hard to see everyone in my life move forward but me and wonder what's wrong with me. But then I have to remind myself that there is wisdom is the Lord's timeline for me and I am trying to do everything I can to live right. So I beg you, if you are going to set me up (which I think no one will now, after my rant and rav :)) please consider who you are setting them up with. :)