Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The JoYs of being an Aunt

I think after my little blogger post blow up, my sister Shauna thought it would be good for me to get out. She said her and Tim wanted to go shopping alone but I smelled alterior motives. I ended up taking the best cheer up crew, the Watson kids, to Chuckee Cheese. I haven't been there for probably 15 years and I don't think much has changed but the kids had a blast and would be over joyed when these magic tickets started popping out. They were even more excited when they discovered they could buy stuff with them.....picking out prizes and trying the leave without the last slice of pizza because we were way past bedtime was an adventure in itsef. Thanks Shaun and Tim for knowing how to cheer me up! Your little family is the best!


Linds Forrest said...

You are the best aunt in this world!! You are so cute with your neices and nephews, I love it!! Girl... we should hit up Nickel Cade soon and do the skee ball, unless you're afraid!

Shauna said...

Yeah for super great Aunt Lyss. We love love love you!

Brooke said...

Oh my goodness I love chuckee cheese! Will you take me too? hehehe

Courtney said...

you need some aunty time with lilli loved your post on dating hes out there you will find him in it will be worth the wait... i know you already no this so im not even going to continue

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing aunty. I love chuckie cheese!