Friday, June 6, 2008


Okay this blog is to vent a little bit! So if you have sensitive eyes or don't want to hear my rants and ravs, turn your little eyes away. :) I HATE being single. Not because the benefits of doing whatever you want and not worrying about another person suck, those are nice. But because people are constantly trying to set up with anything with a penis (see I told you, sensitive eyes, look away). It doesn't matter if they are completely unattractive, or boring or really old or really young or a sweet spirit, people don't care. You are their new project. (like in the church, I am the freakin project) Don't get me wrong I have no problem being set up with guys my friends truly think I would like. But I am finding that they are setting me up for the benefit of the guy, and they are wanting me to do a service project! I am not a spring chicken anymore, therefore I have done my pentance with pity dates and courtsey dates...I have put in my service and time already.....I would rather be an old spinster then do those again! And I very well might be! I figure why waste my time, his time, his money (and no I won't go for the free meal) and then have to let the poor guy down if does ask for a second date. And usually the networking factor (maybe he has a hot roommate) is very rare. As you can probably tell I am little bent about the situation. And no I haven't been on a date since Jon and I broke up, and it probably would be good to get out, but I am not going to go on a date, be uncomfortable and be even more discouraged than before. Yes it is hard to see everyone in my life move forward but me and wonder what's wrong with me. But then I have to remind myself that there is wisdom is the Lord's timeline for me and I am trying to do everything I can to live right. So I beg you, if you are going to set me up (which I think no one will now, after my rant and rav :)) please consider who you are setting them up with. :)


MaDeb or Deb said...

Hmmmm. I only had to close my eyes once or did I actually roll them! LOL.... but I'm still working on setting you up but I've always know the little guidelines. I still haven't found the Prince charming in our YSA Ward, so you're probably safe as far as your momma doing the set up- Although I think a setup done with the right reasons and thoughts in mind can really be a great thing! If not for a great blind date I wouldn't have met and married Rick! What a blessing...but it was done not as a pity date, or courtesy date but with---"those 2 have it all in common"...blah blah blah.. You get the idea! Anyway I think we, meaning the family all love you and only want the very best for you because you truly do deserve it! Remember you are a Princess and deserve a prince no matter how he comes about! I love you.... Mom

Brooke said...

You are soooo funny! Love you!

Janelle said...

Don't worry I know the rules, get a picture, make sure he is atleast 5'10" and most importantly will think you are funny. Oh and preferably out of school with a good job so you can start having babies with me. Checking my list once, twice and can't think of anyone. I am better at just inviting a group of people over and you like eachother great if not it's not awkward. Love your face... I'll keep looking at 7 peaks for you!

Lorraine and Kelly said...

Crack me up girlfriend! We've all been there, I know exactly where you're coming from, that is why it was so hilarious. I say Live it up. Once you get married, you're like what the heck did I just do! And then you have a kid and you're like, what the heck did I just do again!
Oops, yeah I wrote it!

Shauna said...

Rant on ranter. I love it! This too shall pass. . .

Lacy said...

Alyssa- I love it. You are so cute. That is they way it should be. Stand your ground. And I will still help Janelle scope out guys at peaks.

Hayley England Kling said...

Why don't you tell us how you really feel?! ha ha just teasing. I know you are sensitive about the work set ups and will defend you at work from now on :) Love ya!

Linds Forrest said...

At least they are setting you up with people with penis's right?! RIGHT! If I knew someone good enough to hook you up with, I would be all over it! I am sorry you have to go through this... but just so you know... I would love to sit and eat food and laugh with you if feel like you need to get out. How about the 27th?! Talk to me...

Alex and Jessica and kids said...

Well then.....

Anonymous said...

Alyssa, first off I want you to know, I’m not a blog stocker. Well OK I am but the good kind. Shauna gave me here blog some time ago so Gretchen and I keep up on you Barrett’s. When I read this entry I had to laugh. I thought yea here is a Barrett. The problem with having people setting you up is most people don’t have the experience in this field and your relying on rookies. Trust me I know what I’m talking about or …. I’ve been told by Gretchen ….. she knows what she is talking about and I’m just relaying the message. So coming from one who is experienced in this matter, (Gretchen) she has a young man here in Coeur d’Alene Idaho, (that’s Northern Idaho for those playing along we’re not spud chuckers here in northern Idaho like those potatoes pickers in southern Idaho), whom she says would be perfect for you. He is in her words, “a Stud”. Personally I think is a great guy. He is going to school to get his degree in physical education and wants to some day be a college lacrosse coach. The thing about long distant dating is if it doesn’t work out you stop answering the phone and the guy gets the hint and moves on. So I’ve been told. So bottom line, take it from a pro; Gretchen, setting people is her life.

Carlos & Karly said...

Haha, I am obsessed with this post. I miss you Lyss!

Hawks said...

ummm....way too funny...i was thinking while looking at your blog..i should set you up with a cousin...ha ha...

Anonymous said...

Hey,  please check out my British blog - Experience - England ( The blog is for people from: London, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol,  and Coventry. It was a lot of work but I am very happy with it,  I hope you guys like it!