Monday, January 7, 2008

So Cliche

Alright so I know that most people make new goals for the New Year and I usually abstain because it's kind of cliche and people usually forget after a month or so. This new year has challenged me to take the opportunity to reflect on my past and where I want to go in the future. In doing so, I took time t0 read through some old journals and found a goal list which I had written a little over a year ago. It was weird, there wasn't anything on it like exercise more, go to the temple more, eat healthier, read more or whatever else, which are all great but it lists goals for life. I know it will take me more than a lifetime to master these goals but when I read them it gave me new inspiration to the type of person I hope to inspire to be and I just wanted to share them with all of you.

1. Be honest with myself and others no matter to what degree or situation, little or big
2. Live a life based on principle and truth so I never have to question myself
3. Live to teach what I know
4. Remember what's truly valuable in life (relationships and knowledge)
5. Nurture my abilities that are unique to me and share them with the world
6. Remember it's not all about me, find the line between selfishness and self-interest
7. Serve others
8. Learn always (find education is all things, all people, all situations)
9. Do things that energize me
10. Put myself in other's shoes, look through their eyes
11. Have fun in life (don't take myself too seriously- life is too short)
12. Love without limits
13. Breakdown the walls I have built up because of the stories of my past
14. Be productive, rid myself of mental, physical, spiritual laziness
15. Don't live in regret
16. Live to be the hero of my life story, not the victim
17. Constantly strengthen my relationship with the Savior
18. Find humility everyday
19. Be grateful, find gratitude in the good and bad
20. Strive to exceed my own expectations as well as meeting the Lord's
21. Find peace
21. Include the Lord in my life, consult with him
22. Stop living in fear, no running
23. Have a greater compassion for people, find charity
24. Better embrace change in my life
25. Follow the spirit, no matter how hard it is
26. Hold onto who I am, no matter the circumstance
27. Trust myself
28. Assume the best about people
29. Be adventurous
30. Shoot for the stars, believe in myself
31. Live a life I love

And I am sure the list will go on and on.... but this is a start ;)


MaDeb or Deb said...

What a great blog! If only we could all have a few of those same goals on our list...what a better person it would make us.. I know it would at least with me! Thanks for adding some great inspiration to my day. Keep on the great path and you will achieved each one of those goals.. Thanks for sharing the things that really matter in life. Love You a bunch. MOM

Linds Forrest said...

You are so amazing Lys! I miss you like crazy. Geez... the only way to talk to my good friend is to freakin blog stalk you. I would love to talk to you soon. I am glad you had a HOT New Years date. By the way.. he is cute! Way to go Lys!! Love you always.

Becca said...

That's quite the list! I'm loving it. I've read it a couple times. Very inspiring. Those are the things that matter most. Thanks for sharing your deepest made me think today. Love ya!

Shauna said...

You are an inspiration to me! I really enjoyed your list. If only I would carve out time to create a list of my own. :) Maybe tomorrow.:) Wait. Number one should be to live in the presence. :) Love you so much and I am grateful you let us in your head for just a minute.

Anonymous said...

Well, as usual, one of my kids puts me to shame and brings a tear to my eye. What a great list Kiss! I am so impressed. You're so much "deeper" than your old man (thank Heaven). Thanks for being such an inspiration and a great person!

Barrett Bunch said...

I love your list, added a few of them to my much shorter list! I love blogs that inspire me and make me think a bit, this one definatly did, thanks for sharing!!!

Candace said...

I loved reading all your blogs today! We really have missed alot of eachother in the past six years and I feel like we have both changed so much but stayed the same. You're an amazing person and I hope we can be close friends again someday!

Anonymous said...

I love your list of goals. This was very inspirational reading for me. It makes me feel like I need to sit down and make a goal list for myself. Thanks for the inspiration.

Holly and Matthew said...

Hey Girl! I love your blog and I really enjoyed reading your commments! Very inspiring for sure. :) How is life going for you? :) Matthew and I have a blog now too. Let me know of your email address if you want an invite to view it! :) love ya :)